Saturday, November 1, 2008

how it started

Auggie is a host of a weekly podcast at The cinegeek folks decided to do a 24 hour podcast to support the 24 hour comic day on October 18th. I suggested that Auggie and I do an episode of us, just talking like we normally do - meaning him insulting me and me laughing about it - but he was afraid people would think we were dating. I suggested we call the episode "Auggie and Mave are not dating" and he thought that would make a good comic strip. Not deterred by the fact that I can't draw, I started drawing.

Here are the original "concept" drawings.

Auggie said the doodle of me looked like Paris Hilton. Ick.

Ideally, Auggie and I would write and script and hand it over to one of our many artist friends. But for now, you get my very unskilled "drawrings".


  1. i like the drarerings as is- dont change em!!! and i paid a lotta money for a piece o' paper that says i can make stuff so there.

  2. keep doing the art yourself!

    don't change a thing...

    esp dat ass.......


chances are good we don't care